"Oh but this whole country is full of lies, You're all gonna die and die like flies"
Nina Simone "Mississippi Goddamn"
I thought it appropriate to talk about the Golden Law of "Speaking your Greatness into Existence" during the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. A man known for his oratory skills, used the power of speech to move what seemed to be impenetrable social climates, and contributed immensely to change in social policy.
The power of speaking is evidenced in the antiquities. In ancient Egypt, originally named KMT or Kemet, one of their divine laws emphasized speech. Not the act of speaking, but the power, or rather the energy from the soul that is given into whatever is being said. The Ka or the life-force of the soul has power in your words.
Among the Yoruba people, the spoken word is considered the very breath of our soul. It is called àláàlasè or àsè, which ironically is commonly used in African-centered gatherings as a phrase of affirmation. À--è (pronounced ah-shay) is the most powerful force within the framework of these West African people who claim their roots in ancient Kemet.
In many African Diaspora cultures, and Africa, children were always warned to watch what they say. For women, when they emit their àsè it is said to contain a strength that is considered to be so powerful that it could save or destroy humanity. Unfortunately, we all forget this sacred principle (at one point in time) as we get grown. We can talk some mile-high, piled-high bullshit. We've mastered speaking our spirits, and our community's spirit into the ground. Let's flip it and lift it up.
Speaking is a strategic spiritual tool as well. Sometimes we talk about emerging concepts to the wrong people. Our intentions might be well when we spill the beans. Maybe we are bragging. However, down the line we witness a wonderful idea die before it was allowed to fully bloom. We are left scratching our heads about what happened. We opened our mouths when it should have been shut. Speaking has two components: making noise and being silent. We must also master the latter.
Your words do have power, let's use them substantively.
Destination: Support black artistry by going to a local poetry/ spoken word venue; or an open vocal night or jazz improvisational spot. Listen to the soul.
3 ish talking intellectuals holla at a sista:
Ase is more closely pronounced as Ah-Shear
There are 2 e's in yoruba. one is long (shay sound)
the other is short ( the 'e' in 'met'
Ase uses the short 'e'
There is a lot of misinformation online and unfortunately in Yoruba language, intonation and pronunciation is what gives meaning to words.
Ah Shay - unfortunately will render the word meaning less.
*hope this helps.
thank you for your input, but i didn't get this online. and i disagree with your information and see it as incorrect; especially while i was living in naija. unfortunately, using english to describe another language can be misleading from the gate. i hope this helps.
isn't this great! I lived there two (spent 10 years, learnt to read and write Yoruba fluently but as you say quite rightly using a non tonal language to describe a tonal one is difficult indeed.)
I have to say though: This is a great post!.
This post reminded me of when I was little and will ask my mum for extra money... she would reply:
I have too much money on me, I'm afraid I cannot give it out.
The reasoning was you do not speak poorness into existence.
Sometimes, we forget those old lessons. Thanks for the memory :)
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