Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Falsifactions of Corey "Bugah" Booker

Cory Booker is on Broadway. Cory Booker is on "Meet the Press." Cory is being interviewed by Bill Maher. Cory Booker is at the Tyler Perry movie studio opening. Cory Booker is at Sundance promoting his documentary. Cory is chilling in his real residence that is a county over from Essex. Cory Booker is everywhere except where is ass needs to be, in Newark.

It is very interesting how our Caucasian folk and uppity Negroes are drooling over this manmade machine known as Cory Booker. A man who seems to represent a city that he really does not reside has become this sensation, but by whom? Not the residents.

I've seen Caucasian ladies and a couple of Negress' squeal in delight when they mention his name and comment that he is "sooooo cute." Uhhh, sorry, fish is not his palette of choice.

Funny thing about politics and the entertainment industry, you are forced to be something you are not for an image that everyone accepts. But behind the false identity, especially in politics, it is you who stands by, or takes a position in making decisions, even when it can be to the detriment of your real person.

But folk will squeal and kill over Bugah, who is just some misunderstood, chunky kid with a lawyer's mentality of compromise.

(Cory and a "Guest" aka Beard is at Tyler Perry's studio openings in Atlanta, GA. It's okay Cory. We know she is just for show.)

People who have never or will ever set foot into Newark celebrate this fabricated superhero as if he just died on the cross for black folks' sins. Ironically, if they do visit Newark, it will never be after dark, or only on hockey night with half of the Newark Police Department hasseling locals.

All Hail Cory, aka Bozo, aka Bugah, aka Buffalo Butt! People cheer this man on as he ushers in "developers" while throwing out Brick City residents who have held Newark down when white flight and white rage chased companies out.

Maybe, I don't have a complete Newark state of mind, but my mind does not play tricks on me when it comes to the plastic leadership of Cory Booker.

He, and his arrogant and rude staffers (I've bumped into a couple of them on the street) have systematically made Newark a haven for Gentrification. While the old Newark is dying a rapid death, the New Newark is being celebrated. But what is the New Newark? Ohhh its about five city blocks all located in the downtown area on the northern side of Broad Street facing away from the rest of the city to create an exclusionary environment.

So when I see how he hoots and hollers with that annoying voice that is too much spittal and not enough substance, I am not impressed.

A man whose backers have little interest in a truely cohesive and inclusive development, Booker is only being primed to run for NJ Governor or something higher, using Newark as his $2 whore to pimp and say, "Look what I done did white and rich folk, I done cleaned up the hood and removed the black and brown folk away from here. Come and rape Newark some more, please!"

And as I walk past the Prudential Center that now has this huge, ugly, aluminum edifice of a hockey player, yes a hockey player out of all the things in Newark, I roll my eyes. Gentrification has done it again.

In this clip, a senior citizen group gives Cory a book of jokes to update his humor repertoire. Little does he know, people are not laughing with him; especially since he is backing the tearing down of housing developments throughout Newark, including senior citizen homes.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Deconstructing Tyler Perry

I am still trying to figure out why most of the black women I talk to will defend Tyler Perry to the death. I mean, it’s not like it’s a sexual connection, I think. After all, this is a man who you see most of the time dressed as an angry, violent, fat, black woman named Madeia.

Perry’s obsession with carrying out the misrepresentations of black women being obese, ugly and cruel is a turn off; but black women will fight to get into a damn picture show featuring a black man who does a fucked up job in portraying female elders of the black community, and black women as a whole.

Is it his dashing mediocre looks? In my opinion, his over manscaped eyebrows and mere persona activates the gaydar siren every time he pops on the screen as himself absent the drag.

Noooo, so they tell me, as they argue me down for purchasing Tyler Perry bootlegs. In resounding agreement they say, “Ecosoul his movies are goooood.”

They just love his movies. All twenty of them that have the same plot, same dialogue structure, similar characters, all taking place in Atlanta or an Atlanta-esk setting, same conservative TD Jakes Judeo-Christian botchery beliefs, same male dominant philosophy, and the same damn Madeia acting in full buffoonery-coonery.
Being a black woman myself I really don’t get it. Perry’s film aesthetics (if you want to call it that) appeals to a nice chunk of black women (and men) from all economic and socio-economic classes is quite disturbing.

Instead of me arguing anymore, I will just blog my issues as to why I will only watch Perry on a bootleg, or most times, not at all.

I will focus on the typical characters that are narrowly defined at best, and stereotypical caricatures in most films.

The Bitter Black Bitch. This consistent caricature is a black woman who has been wronged, has unnecessary volatile baggage, or is just nasty for no certain reason that is ever teased out by Perry. She is a cheater, or foul-mouthed, most likely, she is overly aggressive, loud, uncouth, verbally caustic, and in most cases, a lonely individual who usually targets black men in an emasculating manner.

Usually, this woman is a high achieving in her career (aka successful) and has issues with finding or keeping a “man,” or getting a decent screw. She thinks men, especially black men are beneath her, thus throwing more fuel onto the mythical fire that a woman can earn more money in a healthy relationship.

Bitter Black Bitch or B3 resembles the mainstream media’s black female stereotype of the Sapphire, an emasculating creature who validates the reason why black women are ugly on the inside and out when they confront or challenge issues they dislike.
Ironicially, B3 is disempowered by a man thus suggesting that male domination has reasserted its position, and conveniently, at the expense of a sister.

The Weak Black Wench. She is a horrible replication of a Victorian Lady. However, her color indicates she cannot afford to be upper class, so the weak woman is physically and verbally abused by a man. Ironically, she finds her strength in the next man thus relegating her powerlessness, and her subsequent empowerment through the recognition of a male authority figure.

The weak one also “gives herself to God” often going to a male preacher or spiritual leader for guidance on one of the most underreported domestic issues in black households, abuse.

It is interesting that the weak one always is a Christian, specifically Protestant, and submits to a patriarchal religion to find herself in the “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Unfortunately, the weak one is not present in her religion’s divine trinity, but tithes the hell out of the church.Emasculating Black Male. When Madeia is not having a very cruel and condescending “Yo Mama” session with her brother, who constantly berates her in an obvious borrowing from a “Red Foxx and Esther (Sanford and Son)” scene, here comes the spineless black male victim.

It is not that the screen shows a black man who is subjected to the viciousness of a Sapphire character, it his ascent to power that is troublesome. He only comes into his power once he trumps the black female who is “emasculating” him in a way that is as aggressive or volatile; hence slapping her, calling her a bitch, fucking someone else.

Not only does Perry miss the social, cultural and economic issues that black men face just being a black man, but validates the age old myth that it is the black woman who keeps him from his power. Once again, Perry narrowly defines males’ source of powerless as being through an unhappy, dishonest, and sometimes abusive relationship.

Sisterhood Undone. In my discussions with Ayankha the Blogger about Perry’s directorship, she points out a scene in “Why Did I Get Married,” when Jill Scott’s character finds out her husband his fucking the woman who is seated at the table with them and all of their close friends. Scott busts him in the head and runs out of the door. The next time when see Scott, she is being soothed and wooed by the local Sheriff. “Where are her girls?” asked Ayankha. “If they were here girls, not only would they have gotten into the husband’s ass, but they would’ve run to her aid and not left her stranded at some shabby hotel in the mountains.”

This is a perfect example of bad representations of black sisterhood, a collective that has been at the cornerstone of many black women getting through a lot of life shit. But Perry, who writes like he swears he can conjure up the heart of black women, along with a vagina and some ovaries, undermines the power of sisterhood, and twists how sisterhood operates in the black community.

Madeia. My grandmother is in her ninth decade and she is nothing, not even close to Madeia. I know that elders have their own personality, but the saying is true, “You don’t get to be old by being a fool.” And Madeia is a goddamn idiot.

The representation of black elderhood is absolutely atrocious in Madeia. My friends tell me that Madeia is the black older woman they wished they had because Madeia “keeps it real;” however, Madeia’s advice is always convoluted with unintelligent jokes in the midst of dealing with a serious situations such as domestic violence, drug abuse, and child abandonment.

As well Madeia’s advice can be very illogical, and the “suggestions” she offers would get you put away for sure. Like when she suggested one character to slice up the clothes of her husband’s mistress, or throw hot grits on an abusive spouse, or shot someone, now that is just some bullshit. The real deal, most women who have fought back in a domestically violent situation, have been put away because the courts of law has little mercy on women who kill or maim their spouses regardless of the situation beforehand.

Oversexualized Black Slut. One of the bad women in Perry’s movies is always depicted as an over-sexualized whore—be it the mistress, the cheating wife who sleeps with her boss, or the woman who givers her husband a sexually transmitted disease. This woman is not tolerated in Perry’s movies. She is silenced and disciplined in many ways, but is always played against an emasculating black male to embellish her “loose” unchristian ways.

Women cannot date in Perry’s movies. They are either whores, prudes looking for a husband or wives with no in-between.

The list goes on and on about Perry’s caricatures. Though I slightly regurgitate at most of Perry’s movies, I really hope he gets some creative input from the characters he tries to accurately depict.

History has also shown how we can destroy our own potential when we cut a tree that has yet to blossom. So I will give Perry the benefit of the doubt and say that he is still growing. But I must hold him accountable to step up his film game. And also pay his writers or perhaps, get some new ones because I can only take about five minutes of one of his terrible television shows. Then and maybe then, I’ll pay for a movie again. In the meantime, the bootleg man is calling my name.

Below, Perry speaks out against some of the criticism he has gotten for his horrible flicks. Negro puhleaze...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thick Black Noodle in the Shaghai Soup: How China Deals with the Black "Other"

The face of one brown-skinned young lady named Lou Jing has the whole country of China uncomfortably dealing with its narrow, and in some cases, racist perceptions of citizenship towards black Chinese.

The non-porcelain skinned Chinese Goodess has trumped China's race card and exposed a nasty little secret that they are glad happened after the Olympics. They don't like black noodles being dipped in Chinese soup.

Shangai native, Lou Jing who has a Chinese mother and African-American father recently appeared on an idol talent show in the country. When she claimed that she was Chinese, born and bred in the hot East Asian metropolis, all hell broke loose.

People were surprised that this black woman who was deemed "Halle Berry of the East" could speak perfect Mandarin and Shanghainese. At first, she was a jewel, then the ghetto grapevine happened.

The Internet came alive with Chinese citizens claiming that she was not Chinese. Some hurdled nasty rumors about her mother having an extramarital affair with an "African Devil," and producing a bastard child.

In response, Jing and her mother announced that the father was not African, but African-American, the relationship between the parents was consensual, and he has been an active parent upon finding out his paternity.

Now, Chinese folk who are trying to diffuse the comment, are saying that it wasn't about her being black, but about her mother having an affair and having a baby as a result. Uhhh, yeah right. How convenient is that excuse. It just so happens that the father's blackness is important in mentioning.

This hot and controversial issue stirs up a lot of dirty secrets that the Beijing Olympic committee hid very well in 2008. China is very xenophobic and incredibly racist when it comes to black people.

There were some news reports that talked about Chinese government's racial profiling against its small, but visible African residents. It was reported that many of them were harassed, fined and even jailed before the Olympics in an effort to clean up the streets.

But it gets better. Several African-American athletes reported hostile and blatant harassment that seemed based on race during the Olympics.

This incident is remniscent of my trips to Korea. At the time, I was part of a group of African-American teens who were visiting the country. We were at a museum and I overheard a child squeal in delight to his teacher, "Look at the monkeys!"

While there, I heard stories of Koreans warning families to keep their women away from the black soldiers during the Korean War. Propaganda was spewed telling the Korean people that blacks were devils and grew tails at night.

Interestingly, it was okay for white soldiers to indulge, but the chocolate ones, oh hell no.

But did that stop the fucking? Of course not. Resultantly, babies were born. On my trip to Korea it was explained to me that bi-racial children, and in particular black Koreans, were outcasts and often lived around dump sites and the poorest areas of the country.

Lou Jing's popularity not only raises issues of race, and race around sexuality, but also citizenship. She changes the face of China, who prides in porcelain complexions, even though a significant amount of their population in the South are brown and dark brown people with broad features.

Below Jing busts a hip-hop flow to show her skills. She know she a sister!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Michelle is more than the Daughter of Slaves

The biggest fallacy in American history regarding black people is that our existence started with slavery. As is the case of Michelle Obama, a news report today traces her "roots" to an enslaved girl in the mid 1800s.

On the show, "Good Morning America," television journalist, Diane Sawyer called the family history of Michelle Obama a "unique" American experience. This was after she talked about First Lady Obama's family tree that was traced back about 150 years.

Sorry Diane, this is not unique. If you read history, power changes hands many times over. The oppressed have become the powerful.

And, if you read US and Austrailian history, you would know that most of the first Englanders that were transported across the Atlantic were the spillovers of England jails, not royal or religious, but criminals. So one of your ancestors might have been Pete the thief from West London, but you Diane have ascended to prominence. We should applaud your rise to visibility and relative power.

(English Convicts line up to go to Austrailia. Click here to read story)

However, First Lady Obama's brief points of slavery in a family lineage that spans long before it, is not a testament to the greatness of America, but the poignant unpredictability of simple humanity. Basically, shit like this has happened before, will happen again, and is not unique to America. Get over it.

The reports about the First Lady and other prominent African-Americans who emerge from "slave origins" leave out two glaring truths that many want to forget.

One, African-American "roots" did not start with slavery, and did not begin in America.

Two, it was the beastial chattel slave system that has caused millions of black people throughout North, Central and South America to be totally disconnected to their African origins and unclear about exactly where in Africa they come from.

Other people can trace their roots to various points all over the world, but black folks, especially in the United States, are stigmatized as being from just slaves. Like our destiny was to serve and be shat upon.

It has been a long debate regarding people of African descent in America in regards to our origin. The recent revisionist history is for historians to emphasize that African-Americans (and other black folk in the American Diaspora) have so many different origins (in other words, we've been fucked many ways come Sunday by so many people), it is implied that although we are not white or European, we definitely are not African.

I totally disagree; especially having visited several countries in Africa.

In the words of WEB DuBois, "Africa flows through my veins."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why did it take a black man to make a documentary about black women's hair care?

After years of debate and discouse between black women on our hair in its many states of being, it took a black man to make a documentary about it.

Comedian Chris Rock has been recorded as saying that he was inspired by his daughter's early acculturation of the psychological damage that is connected to black women's self-concepts of beauty around our hair. According to Rock, his daughter made a comment about a friend having "good" hair.

Though I have not seen the movie, and am curious on how it is carried out, I think the discussion around the fact that a black man is exposing this issue is profound; especially when black women are concerned about how their man sees them.

Last night on the Mo'Nique show (can somebody please tell her to stop screaming all the damn time), Chris Rock admitted to wearing a gheri curl and a texturizer. He briefly discussed his movie, but there was a comedic line he made that struck me.

Rock said that "Black people love white people." This comment insinuated that our "love" was to our default, and we would go as far as to emulate white aesthetic to our own mental, physical and economic decline.

Ironically, as Chris Rock talked about the monopoly of Indian women's hair being used largely in human hair weaves and wigs, Indian women themselves are obsessed with their hair texture and color too. Skin lightening cream and straightening perms are HUGE in India.

India is a very color conscious society and current Indian aesthetic values very fair skin and light colored eyes (especially green, gray and blue). Additionally, Indian women get what is called a "Japanese permanent" where they perm their hair to be extremely straight like the texture of Japanese hair. Excuse my deviation, I just had to mention this fact.

Back to Black
While Rock enjoys the pleasure of shaving his processed hair off and wearing short cuts, many black women feel they cannot do such a thing. We think that long hair or any amount of hair symbolizes our femininity. Another issue, we get flack from our family and friends, in particular our fathers, lovers, and other men in our lives who disapprove of our short hair.

I can recall a 2001 interview I did with the late Johnny Cochran, the famous Los Angeles lawyer known for his defense in the OJ trial and Black Panther political prisoner, Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt. He mentioned that he disagreed with his wife (he had just recently married at the time) cutting her "long" wavy hair into a short cropped style. According to him, her response was something like "get over it," because he saw long hair as more beautiful than short hair.

So even our "enlightened" brothers can go there.

But back to Chris Rock. I applaud him for addressing his issue for the sake of his daughter and all black women. I'm still scratching my head in wonderment on how he used the permed out Al Sharpton as a point of reference for "good hair" when this guy cannot leave the "creamy crack" alone.

Maybe we can connect Rock's "Good Hair" documentary to Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" to see how we've been getting screwed every way come Sunday.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Credit & Bullsh*t: Fighting a Credit Lawsuit and Winning

This is a real story, no bullshit and no pitch; but in today's world where the paycheck-by-paycheck folk are taking the brunt of greedy multi-corporations, I had to give you this information on how I beat a credit lawsuit a couple of months ago.

Here's my story....
One day I got a letter in the mail saying that a law firm was suing me on behalf of two alleged credit card accounts that I had taken out in my name.

I froze.

I was pissed and stressed. As a (semi-employed) graduate student, who needs the threat of their slave wages being garnished.

In the past, I have heard stories from several women who got their wages garnished from a lawsuit like mine. I was shook because the total was close to $4,000. For real, my bowels got a little slushy because here I was dealing with these credit hustlers once again.

But somehow, the current economic crisis gave me a boost. Not only was I determined to win, but also get the phone calls at my house stopped and the all of the collection agencies attempting to collect a debt from 10 years ago, out of my life.

As I saw AIG, Lehman Brothers, General Motors, Bank of America, and all these financial industries receive the largest welfare checks ever cut by the United States government, I thought to myself, I will fight against a bill that is not only mine, but fight against the others that are a crock.

The reason I am so adamant about this issue is because banks, credit agencies, and many institutions survive off of the pennies of people who are barely making ends meet. These people, including myself, are vulnerable in legal representation or ignorant to how they can fight.

I was disgusted by a $250 credit limit coming out to $1000 because I did not pay the full amount for a couple of months. Moreso, I was totally furious by a company given billions of dollars for fucking up, and here I was getting penalized for some pennies in comparison, and having to pay more interest than they ever would.

Time for some action...
I used my $100,000 degrees (my total in student loans) and did serious research (in one of my seminars on my laptop) and found out some facts. I counteracted and responded to the lawsuit.

In my response to the courts, I indicated that the law firm/collection agency did not prove or send information that I was the actual person (fiduciary) connected to the account. This meant, they did not provide an original agreement with my signature in their attempt to collect. Even if you are the person, you can still state this because collection agencies do not have the original contract.

My response turned into a trial date. When I got there, there were a lot of people who did not show up. The credit card automatically won. There were three people who did, including me, and we all walked out of there clean as a whistle due to our cases being dropped because a representative from the agency or firm did not show.

In my case, the law firm attempted to shaft me on both court dates by sending me a letter the day before the case went to court saying that they had requested the case to be dismissed. If I would have gone by their words, and not presented myself in court, than I would have lost. So NEVER trust your opponent in court matters, have the courts tell you the deal.

I am passing this information on to you in hopes that you can use this to your advantage. It is not a foolproof plan, and I don't know what it will get you, but it will help. Standing up will help.

There is also a template of a letter you can send to collection agencies to stop them from collecting. I found it online back in January 2009 and copied it for my records. Unfortunately, my computer crashed in May or June of this year and the one copy I had was lost.

No worries, below is an actual letter to an alleged debtor telling them to back the fuck up and back the fuck off of me. I took some of this verbage and put it in my response to the courts. Just copy and paste, or tell the credit representatives who call you this shit and trust me, they stop. I've been getting more sleep, except for this morning when one of them called.

Midland Credit Management
8875 Aero Drive Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92123

First National Bank: Account Number Here

First, I am writing to tell you that I will report your violations to the Fair Trade Commission for not following the proper procedures in this alleged attempt to collect a debt.

Second, I request that you cease and desist, any and all contact with me and your collection pursuits.

Third, I am detailing your failure in following proper procedure and have noted your violations, which will be reported in the event you continue to harass me.

Your violations are the following:

Midland Credit Management did not produce a verifiable, bona fide, original commercial instrument between First National Bank and alleged debtor, JANE DOE, containing the alleged debtor’s bona fide signature.

Midland Credit Management did not produce bona fide proof that the live-born human known as Jane Doe is the fiduciary for the non-existent juristic entity known as JANE DOE.

Midland Credit Management did not produce all records, reports, memoranda relating to the source of funds relating this disputed account and list all other sources of information such as computer file names and names of databases or locations at which related information is located or accessible.

Midland Credit Management did not produce date of purchase of this alleged account from First National Bank, and purchase amount.

Midland Credit Management did not specify the amount that they have charged from the original account.

Midland Credit Management did not produce any documents of credit agreements showing my signature.

Midland Credit Management did not produce invoices that had been sent to me from First National Bank.

Midland Credit Management did not produce any proof that they had the legal authority to collect on behalf of First National Bank.

Midland Credit Management called my home more than three times a week, the legal allotted time to contact alleged creditors.

I demand that I am removed from your files.

I demand that you stop requesting credit agencies to place negative reports on my file for bogus charges.

Good Luck, I hope this helps.

Dirty Little Secrets of Credit Cards in Today's Financial Depression

Here are some other facts about Credit Card Companies & Collection Agencies that Might be Helpful
1. When a collection agency contacts you that means your credit card company has sold your account for pennies to a credit agency and/or law firm who then attempts to collect the debt. The original debt is gone because it became a tax write-off for Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX, etc. The new debt is your original credit fees plus whatever the new agency has tacked on.

2. The new debtor takes your account and updates it credit scoring agencies (Experian and all those fuckers) along with a new debt that is usually 400 percent higher than your original debt. Technically, your debt is really gone because it was written off, but the collection agency can tell credit scoring company that your account is active and your balance has increased.

3. HOWEVER, the new debtor must have all of the original paperwork to prove that you are indeed the person who opened the account with the credit card company. Additionally, they must tell you how much they paid for your account, and the new charges they've added on. If they cannot prove you are the person who established the fiduciary (fancy legal word for saying you represent one of the parties in the business agreement).

4. If the debtor cannot prove these things than, they cannot collect shit from you.

5. If you are sued, you ALWAYS RESPOND TO THE SUIT IN WRITING. If you do not respond than you will automatically lose. What they don't tell you is that these law suits are a dime-a-dozen, and these companies do not have the legal labor force to fight every suit. These are scare tactics to get people to pay.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mandatory Vaccinations: Health Prevention or Health Risk

Last week, news officials reported that New York Health workers have been mandated to receive the swine flu vaccine. As I was watching a news caster interview some Joe-blow me, he shrugged off dissenters of the issue saying they will either get on board or be quarantined. Wha? (not what, but wha?)

Also, some states, like New Jersey have made vaccines mandatory for children.

You would think that health workers would be lining up to take this shot to prevent the hideous flu. No, they are protesting because they refuse to be guinea pigs.

Another perplexing issue in the swine flu case is the inconclusive evidence regarding the long-term effects in a vaccine that actually killed about two dozen people in the 70s.

What is more perplexing, health experts and health professionals have warned of the medical risks.

What makes the flu such a threatening virus? Most diseases, including the flu are caused by unsanitary conditions and habits. Plus the overuse of bacteria killing hand sanitizers.

So why is there a sweeping mandatory vaccine movement by the grassroots government and a scare to boot going on?

Shall we say, Tuskeegee experiment? Hmmmmm...

In the meantime, eat a little clay and wash your hands after you wipe your ass, please.

Below is a video in Europe we would never see here, but it is actually about tests being run on people who have been given the vaccine. If you listen, the reporter says the projected number of people to be vaccinated are 150 million, can you say cha-ching for the FDA and medical folk who will profit from shots and sickness.